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Free Software


A collection of libraries for ARM7TDMI and Cortex-Mx based microcontrollers. The libraries are useful only if you use gcc as your crosscompiler. The license is the GNU GPL v3 with additional clauses that allow you to link the library into closed source applications. The library and additional information can be found on the library's homepage.


Proxan is an analysis program for microscopic images. It determines if two sets of objects, marked with different colours, statistically show a spatial relationship. The program runs on Linux and would probably compile on any unix derivative. It is released in source form and is licenced under the GNU General Public License v2.0 (or later). Further details are availabe on Proxan's homepage.


TAS is an assembler for Motorola's Time Processor Unit or TPU. TAS currently assembles microcode for the TPU1. It was written on Linux and has been ported to many unix variants. For more information please go to the homepage of TAS.

AVR gcc float runtine

It is a library that transparently replaces the float-point runtime library of gcc for AVR targets. The library is smaller and much faster than what comes with gcc. It is released under a BSD license. For details click here.